'Brand Extension' is a common method of launching a new product by using an existing brand name on a new product in a different category.
A company using brand extension hopes to leverage its existing customer base and brand loyalty to increase its profits with a new product offering.
Brand Extension of Fanta
“Fanta milkshake recipe”
There is a website called Coca Cola Conversation shares a lot of blogs that tells the story of Coca Cola, the extension use or products of Coca Cola. About Fanta, it presents a recipe about how to make Fanta milkshake! It sounds amazing!
“Fanta-stic use of thermochromic
inks on interactive packaging”
During November and December 2012, labels on Fanta Orange bottles contained thermochromic ink which revealed a challenge to consumers to perform a "Funstigator" task such as "High-five someone wearing orange," "Pretend you're a ninja" or "Do the robot." The core activity of the summer campaign was a Fanta Funstigator gaming application available on the FANTA Australia Facebook page and as a smartphone app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Fanta x Apple Apps Store
Brand Extension of Orangina
Orangina has launched several co-branding strategy in order to communicate with a particular target. At first, Orangina usually thought as “Children’s drink”, for the sake off enriches its marketing segmentation, they decided to create a partnership with NRJ, the famous pop music radio among the youth.
ORANGINA NRJ Réunion Distributions
Orangina -Orange soda-330mL-LEE COOPER "EN UN IN-France
Orangina also choose Lee Cooper, a jeans brand, to make co-brand cans.
The Perfect Mix! à Orangina Cocktial Recipe
In conclusion, brand extension makes the brand possible to develop a product line that is often sold in a separate distribution channel. It can meet more consumers’ needs and access to the goal or target.
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